www.dir.alabama.gov File Alabama Unemployment Claim Online

If you have been laid off from a job in Alabama, you may be eligible to receive unemployment benefits. Review this unemployment guide to help you learn how to file for unemployment in Alabama.

Unemployment compensation in Alabama is managed by Alabama Department of Industrial Relations, the office that regulates unemployment and workers compensation benefits in the state of Alabama. The office can be found online at www.dir.alabama.gov. This site provides access to information and forms required to file for new unemployment benefits, file for a weekly claim certification, or to update your information. You can also find information regarding how to file for HEB (high unemployment extended benefits compensation) once your regular unemployment benefits have been exhausted.

When you find out that you're unemployed, apply for benefits as soon as possible. Even if you don't think you need the funds at the moment, many individuals find themselves without employment for a longer period than they initially expected, especially when economic conditions are unfavorable. Since benefits aren't retroactive, if you don't apply immediately, you may not receive all the benefits you were entitled to receive. With the current state of economic uncertainty, it's more important than ever to make sure you collect every penny of unemployment benefits to help ensure your financial stability.

If you want to file a claim go to the Alabama Department of Industrial Relations website at www.dir.alabama.gov. & Click Unemployment Workers button You need provide your name, Social Security number, address, date of birth, previous 18 months' work history and your phone number on the online application or to the claims representative on the phone. Other information you may need to provide includes your alien registration number if you are not a U.S. citizen, your DD 214 if you were in the military, your union hiring hall if you are in a union and your banking information if you want your benefits direct deposited. You will learn if you are approved for unemployment benefits typically within 10 business days.

File your weekly claims once you are approved for unemployment. You can only do this as long as you are unemployed. The weekly claims can be filed on the Alabama Department of Industrial Relations website at www.dir.alabama.gov. or over the phone.

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