Unemployment Oklahoma - Request Oklahoma Unemployment Tax information

If you need Oklahoma Unemployment Tax information from Pull up your Oklahoma Unemployment Default page be going to https://unemployment.state.ok.us/default.asp and Click on the link to request your Oklahoma Unemployment Tax information it is labeled: Inquire on Monies Reported to IRS.

Now you will need to log into the site to locate your Unemployment tax information. Just enter your Social Security number and hit submit. Once that is verified you will need to enter your secure pin number.

On this page you will see all your tax information. At the top you will see your Federal Tax ID number. This is the number assigned to your Unemployment claim. This can be used to retrieve your unemployment tax information through many online tax programs and through several tax prepares.

In the middle of the page you will see graph with the most recent three years of unemployment earnings and taxes. First you will see the year indicated for the tax information and monies earned. The next column is the amount paid, this is the total amount earned through Oklahoma Unemployment for that year. The next two columns will indicate your Federal and State Tax withholding amounts. Keep in mind you must select your tax withholdings when you first apply for Oklahoma Unemployment, if you selected not to withhold taxes from your unemployment compensation this amount will be zero. Next to the tax information there will also be a listing for the ATAA Amount (Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance: this is the special benefit for displaced workers over 50 years old to subsidize their income). The last column in this group will be the mail request column. If you want a paper copy of your Tax information mailed to you just check the box to indicate the request.

At the bottom of the page you will see the address verification if you selected to have your tax forms mailed to you. You can either verify the address is correct by clicking the radio button labeled no or you can click yes to indicate there has been a change and enter the correct address. Once this is done hit submit and the request to have the Oklahoma Unemployment Tax Information will be submitted and your form will be mailed.

Once the request to have your Oklahoma Unemployment Tax information mailed to you is made you will be directed back to the default Oklahoma Tax information page. You form will be mailed according to their guidelines.

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