Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

If you happen to become ill with a cold or the flu this winter, you won't be able to give your full attention to your kids and all of your many responsibilities. To put it simply, there just isn't time for illness when you're the primary caregiver.

Eat Well

For your best shot at staying healthy this winter, make sure you get at least three servings of vegetables each day, and two servings of fresh fruit. In addition, opt for whole grains when you can, and make sure you're taking in at least two servings of milk or yogurt each day.

Wash Your Hands

Wash your hands with hot, soapy water every time you use the bathroom and before every meal. To be sure you're really washing away the potential viruses and bacteria you've come in contact with, use hot water and really scrub your hands for at least 60 seconds.

Get Plenty of Sleep

To make sure your body is fully capable of fighting off illnesses this winter, create a consistent bedtime routine. This should include going to bed at the same time each night so that your body learns to anticipate sleep. As well, you might consider adding some habits that relax you at bedtime, such as a warm bath or reading a novel.

Take a Multi-Vitamin

This simple daily step can play an important role in keeping your body healthy. Get into the habit of taking a once-daily multi-vitamin.

Get a Flu Shot

There are many flu clinics at grocery stores and pharmacies where you can get a flu shot for under $20. Or, if you prefer to see your regular doctor, you might consider getting the flu mist, which is a vaccine inhaled through the nasal passages.

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