www.arknet.arkansas.gov Arkansas Unemployment Benefits Qualification

In Arkansas the Arkansas Department of Workforce Services handles unemployment benefits. If you have lost your job and you didn't even give them any reason to fire you. The state of Arkansas provides monetary unemployment benefits to workers who have lost their jobs and are seeking employment. The purpose of the benefit is to help unemployed workers and their families with necessary living expenses until the unemployed worker can find another position. The amount a worker is allowed to draw from the unemployment compensation system depends upon how much he made in the year prior to when he filed a claim for unemployment benefits. However, weekly benefits may not exceed $345.

Meet the requirements for Arkansas unemployment benefits. To qualify, you must be a recently unemployed person through no fault of your own, have the capabilities and availability to work and not be participating in an on going labor dispute.

Open the Access Arkansas homepage on your computer's web browser. Download and print the DWS-ARK-501 form www.arknet.arkansas.gov

Type or print your information into the fields provided on the form, which will include your current address, your Social Security information and information about your last job. Sign and date the bottom. Mail or take the application to your local unemployment office.

Receive your unemployment benefits letter by mail after the unemployment office has verified the information on your application, including the reasoning behind your unemployment.

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