uiclaims.state.ri.us - Check Claim Stutas

If you already filed you claim you want to check you claim stutas visit the website https://uiclaims.state.ri.us/UI-INET-STAT/IntroPage.aspx and put your "Confirmation Number" on the box and click "Submit"


  1. Where's my conformation number found?

  2. Where you find conformation number

  3. I'm serchi g for my confirmation number for work serch on 01,05 19

  4. I am looking for status of claim and I enter claim number it says it’s not correct confirmation number and I know it is.

  5. Replies
    1. Russell Rosser Did I quilfiy for unemployment. Thanks

  6. Where do I find my confirmation number?

  7. I filed for unemployment on March 5th 2019 and since then I've been trying to find a website a phone number and a human being to speak with and have had no luck to find out the status and when I am supposed to receive my funds I was already approved I already called Marvin to claim weeks of unemployment it's been 4 weeks now since I have been unemployed and I can I find a way to check the status of my claim this is getting really annoying I need my money to pay my bills that are overdue and I finally find a website to go to and it asks me for a confirmation number which I know not where to find please help me

  8. Where do you find a confirmation number
