File for unemployment as soon as you become unemployed! You should also file for unemployment if you are working less than full time and earning income that is less than your benefit amount. You can either file for benefits over the phone (800-555-1554) Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM (excluding state holidays) or over the internet visit You will need your social security number along with the name, address, and dates for your last employer.
To continue receiving unemployment compensation you will have to file a claim each week. You benefit week runs from Sunday through Saturday. You will need to file after your benefit week, you will be verifying that you did not work or turn down a job during the previous week. You have up to fourteen days to file a claim of the week ending date (Saturday of the week you are filing for). You can either file your claim by phone or over the internet. Any claim not filed within fourteen days of the last day of the benefit week (the week you are answering questions about) will be denied.
You should report any all earnings for work that was done during that week. Make sure you report the earnings even if you were not paid that week. This verifies that you did work and should be earning money. You will also be asked for the number of hours worked during the week you are filing for.
Most benefits are limited to 26 times your weekly benefit amount, therefore you will receive benefits for up to 26 weeks as long as you still qualify for the benefits. You should be able to receive up to fifty percent of the total wages earned during your base period. The has been an increase to the minimum amount as of January 1, 2009 you can collect up to $8900.00 in unemployment compensation benefits.
Please contact the unemployment office near you for assistance or questions. Over the phone (800-555-1554) Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM (excluding state holidays) on the internet
See Oklahoma Unemployment Benefits Qualification Click Here - File Oklahoma Unemployment Internet Claim
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